
I first felt the baby move during week 18. Well what I think was the baby moving. At that time all it felt like was a little "wave" go across my stomach and I only felt that a couple times. I for sure felt it move during week 20 though. I was sitting on the couch and all the sudden it moved and it was very obvious what it was. I could even feel it from the outside it was so strong. What a neat feeling! It wasn't until about a week later that Keith felt it for the first time. He smiled and I think he was shocked. Ever since the baby moves CONSTANTLY but every time I still get so excited and want to tell someone. At first I only noticed it when I was resting in the evenings but now I feel it all day at work and all night. Its so great to feel and have that reminder that the baby is growing and moving about. I can't wait to hold our active little bundle of joy!!!!!

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