
Well the truth is there really isn't an update. With our doctors appointments 4 weeks apart there really isn't much going on. Keith and I have started cleaning out the baby room. Which is a really good thing since you could hardly step into the door. We found some Chinese gender tests and both of them said we were having a girl so we will have to wait and see if those come true. Other wise I got nothin....

First Check Up (Jan 13, 2009)

The doctor confirmed my due date of July 18th which puts me currently at 13 weeks. So Im starting my second trimester! We also were able to hear the heartbeat. That was a very joyous sound and it made "being pregnant" seem so much more real.


Meet our kitties Peavy (orange) and Berkley (black) For now they are our babies.


As you may be able to tell Keith and I are definately new at this blogging stuff but with a baby on the way I thought it was a good time to start. After we found out we were pregnant we couldn't wait to tell family. Finally the time came at Christmas. And since then we have been informing Friends. Stay tuned for doctor visit updates.