Doctor Check up (July 16, 2009)
Today was a very exciting check up. The babys heart rate was 134 and I am now dialated to two. The exciting part is we schedualed me to be enduced Tuesday July 21 if baby Recker doesn't decide to come before then. Im really hoping he/she does. The doctor striped my membranes and so that is supposed to move things a long on their own. Hopefully it works. I can't believe in four days AT THE MOST I will be holding my little baby! :) I can't wait!
Doctor check up (July 9, 2009)
No Change unfortunately. I thought there would be by now. Im hanging in there though. Thursday right after my appointment I was pretty upset but Im over it now cuz I realize baby Recker is going to come out when its ready and thats what I want. Plus I figure its just a few more days of waiting compared to the rest of baby Reckers life. I gained 3 lbs and the heart rate was 137. There was some concern that my water had broken but after being checked the doctor decided no.
Doctor Check up (July 2, 2009)
Today Dr. Thurm was unsure if the babys head was down or not. So she sent me for another ultra sound which confirmed that it was head down. Thanks goodness because I really didn't want them to have to turn the baby which I heard is really painful or worse yet have a C-section. She also checked my dialation and said I was still just at 1cm but 100% efaced. The babys heart rate was 147.
Baby Room
Here is a couple pics of the baby room. We recently bought the changing table for 30$. However after we got it home I HATED it. It was huge. So Keith being the AWESOME husband that he is said "I will modify it". He cut off about 2 feet around the top edges and took out around 10" in the depth. Then he painted it and tada the finished product. I love it now!
This is the art that is hanging in the baby room. I knew right when I got pregnant that I wanted Keith and I to paint on canvas' the decorations for the room. After finding and buying the bedding Keith drew the animals on it for me to paint. Keith is such a talented drawer. He did a good job and I guess I did good painting too.
Doctor Check up (June 25, 2009)
Today I got to see Dr. Bartlett whom I haven't seen since I was like 16 weeks I swear. She is really friendly and really knows her stuff. The heart rate was 140. I am now 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. This means basically nothing except that things are progressing. It unfortunately doesn't mean the baby will be coming in the next week or even two. HOWEVER I did ask the doctor how long past my due date they would let me go and she said not more than a week. Whaahooo so that means at the most we will have this babe out of me in 4 weeks. Thank goodness since sitting for prolonged periods of time is getting difficult. Lets just say Im definitely getting more uncomfortable and ready to "get this thing out of me". :)
Doctor Check up (June 15, 2009)
Todays appointment was different than previous weeks. I have now passed a milestone at 35 wks. I now get checked for any dilation. They didn't find any today (which I figured) but the doctor did say Im starting to thin out which sounds like progress to me! The doctor also checked the size of my uterus and said it was measuring the same as our last appointment. It was 2" off and they really like it to be right on (this week it should have been 35"). So with that the doctor set up an ultrasound appointment just to be sure baby looked ok and that the baby/excetra was measuring good. According to the lab tech everything appeared good. So we arn't worrying too much about it. The radiologist looked everything over today and said everything looked normal. YEAH! It was really fun to see the baby again. I loved looking at its face. That image will carry me though to delivery! Even though I could hardly make out much I was in love right away. :)
Doctor Check up (June 3, 2009)
At our appointment today we saw a new nurse practitioner at the womens clinic named Sarah. She was young, very friendly and asked me a lot of questions which was a good change. She measured my uterus at 33" which is right on and said I gained 3 lbs. The babys heart beat was 146. Dispite what everyone keeps telling me the doctor didn't give me any hope that I would be delivering early. In fact she clearly told me that most women carry full term for their first baby. I was hoping for some different news. Im not ready for the baby to come out yet because I know it still has some growing to do. But come 38 or 39 wks Im sure I will start to feel differently.
Doctor Check up (May 19,2009)
Once again "No News is good News". Everything is looking great. The doctor can't tell if the baby is head down yet but as the appointments go on it shall be revealed. Im measuring and weighing good. The heart rate was 146. Despite me carying really low the doctor hasn't said anything about delivering early. We will see when baby Recker decides to show his/her face!
Doctor Check up (May 7, 2009)
I still love hearing that little heart beat. It never gets old. I feel the baby constantly moving but to hear its heart is a good feeling too. Im getting so excited to meet our little baby Recker. The appointment went good. Measuring right where I need to be and I gained one pound which the Dr. also said was good. Surprising since Keith and I (yes Keith too) have a bowl of icecream pretty much every night after dinner. It was Keith that came home from the grocery store with a gallon of oreo cookie icecream. :) The heart rate was 142.
Doctor Check up (April 22,2009)
Today I had to drink the stuff. I got my blood glucose test done. I drank some orange pop tasting stuff that was surprisingly good. The test must have come back ok cuz I haven't heard other wise. Other than that our appointment was typical. The baby's heart rate was at 145 which is the slowest its been. It has never been below 150. It was funny when the nurse was trying to find the heart beat the baby was kicking back at her and moving all over. He/She must not have wanted to be read. Or maybe its already showing signs of being arnrey like its dad. :) I gained three pounds since my last appointment and the doctor said "your the model patient" :) Im proud. She also said my uterus is measuring correctly despite the big bulge I already have......
Before and After
Doctor check up (April 10, 2009)
The doctor appointments are running very smoothly. So far I am really liking Waverly hospital and my three doctors. There are two out of the three that I would rather have deliver me but they all are very nice. Our appointment was uneventful. Took my weight, peed in a cup, listened to the hear beat and measured my uterus. All looked great! The heart rate was 150 and Im measuring right on. Stay tuned for some more Tummy update pics...... :)
I first felt the baby move during week 18. Well what I think was the baby moving. At that time all it felt like was a little "wave" go across my stomach and I only felt that a couple times. I for sure felt it move during week 20 though. I was sitting on the couch and all the sudden it moved and it was very obvious what it was. I could even feel it from the outside it was so strong. What a neat feeling! It wasn't until about a week later that Keith felt it for the first time. He smiled and I think he was shocked. Ever since the baby moves CONSTANTLY but every time I still get so excited and want to tell someone. At first I only noticed it when I was resting in the evenings but now I feel it all day at work and all night. Its so great to feel and have that reminder that the baby is growing and moving about. I can't wait to hold our active little bundle of joy!!!!!
Doctor Check up (March 12, 2009)
We had our third doctor check up Thursday. It went really well but very very uneventful. Like the doctor said, "No news is good news". I peed in a cup, then the Doctor listened to the baby's heart beat which was 146 then she measured my uterus and said that it was measuring right on target. I asked her if I was on target for weight again and she said yes. I have gained 9 lbs since the very beginning which she says is good.
Bedroom Set

Its time to start decorating the room. After MUCH searching for a jungle themed pattern this is the bedroom set I decided to go with. Dispite being the most expensive one (of course). After searching for something cheeper that I remotly liked I gave in (so did Keith)and ordered it last week. I just HAD to get it because it was the most neutral bedding I could find without sage green being the dominate color. I love it and I can't wait for it to arrive in the mail!
Bed Time
Ultrasound!!!! (Feb.24, 2009)
Wow what a fun and exciting thing. First the radiologist started by measuring all the body parts. She then reported that those were all in the normal range and she estimated that the baby weighs 10 oz. Then she took lots of pictures of all the different organs for the doctor to look closely at. Then she started taking pictures for us to take home. Baby was moving around a lot the entire time. She said what a great thing that was because that meant baby had lots of energy to waste. Every time the radiologist went to take a face forward picture with the 3D on the babys head would be turned or the placenta and or arms were in the way. Thats ok though we still got some good pics to treasure. As for finding out the sex we decided to wait. Keith made the point that there are so few surprises in life. Its going to be hard for me to stick with this decision though just because I know Im going to want to go shopping.
2nd Check up (Feb.10, 2009)
I know its late but better late than never right? At our second appointment we heard the heart beat again. The nurse found it right away and said we had an easy baby. I think baby Recker just wants to be heard! I cant remember what they said the heart rate was but it was somewhere around 150. The doctor felt my uterus and said I was measuring right on for 17wks. She also said that I was a little low on Iron and so we picked up some supplements and started those right away. The most fun news of all though is we scheduled our ultrasound! We weren't expecting to do that and so it was a great surprise. Its at 4:00 on Feb. 24th! We can't wait!!! Keith still doesn't want to know the sex and I still do so their will definitely be some debating in our house the next couple weeks! If you have an opinion on the subject be sure to post it! We would love to hear your thoughts!
Well the truth is there really isn't an update. With our doctors appointments 4 weeks apart there really isn't much going on. Keith and I have started cleaning out the baby room. Which is a really good thing since you could hardly step into the door. We found some Chinese gender tests and both of them said we were having a girl so we will have to wait and see if those come true. Other wise I got nothin....
First Check Up (Jan 13, 2009)
The doctor confirmed my due date of July 18th which puts me currently at 13 weeks. So Im starting my second trimester! We also were able to hear the heartbeat. That was a very joyous sound and it made "being pregnant" seem so much more real.
As you may be able to tell Keith and I are definately new at this blogging stuff but with a baby on the way I thought it was a good time to start. After we found out we were pregnant we couldn't wait to tell family. Finally the time came at Christmas. And since then we have been informing Friends. Stay tuned for doctor visit updates.
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